Grand Solutions .. for Grand Customers

Grand Experience

Since we started in 2003 and now are getting to experience day after day to provide the best services and most powerful systems and strive to have our footprint in the technology and Internet market are not only intelligent software design company .. But we are experts in helping our customers and change their work

00 years 00 months 00 days


Saad Eltahawy

Cisco Pipes Company

Cisco Pipes Company

Always an honor for us to deal with your company as you meets the expectations of everyone, and thank you for your attention and for customers care Thank you and good luck

Dr.Ayman Tantawi



We are honored to work with company Grand for more than ten years. Our relationship with them rather than a relationship partner for the client that we have received the support of them and help us to set up the first Egyptian Arabic content of the website which Serving children with disabilities and their families I hope that lasts our cooperation with a company Grand realize our dream and our mission to improve the lives of children with disabilities in the Arab world thankful to them their good cooperation and contribution, they are our partners on a journey of success. Dr / Ayman Tantawi

Amer Irshid

Levent Media Company Owner

Levent Media Company Owner

Dealing with your Great company is great credibility and high professionalism ,you have the ability to fulfill the needs , goals and objectives of the customer and follow-up of the unremitting efforts of the Client sincerity and speed of accomplishment is your feature .

Mr. Osama Hassan

Hassan Institute

Hassan Institute

appreciation For your company services Which is to say the least it's creativity And you salute the appearance of our site in the most beautiful image of the grace of God then thanks to your services the upscale, thank you and accept greetings Mr. Osama Hassan

Our Staff

Request an application design

The Grand company for more than thirteen years on the development of many of the leading web and mobile applications field of electronic projects , and is seeking to develop a clear mark in this area between the Arab and international companies , through a clear vision and conscious work of the team and the new ideas and individually

On Time

We deliver it on time

Creativity Ideas

more creative to your work

Grand Team

make you happy

Grand experience

More than 13 years