Your guide to programming a supermarket application

Choosing the appropriate technology
In order to start programming the application, you need to choose the appropriate technology. If you want an application that works on all mobile phones (iOS and Android), it is best to use technologies such as Flutter or React Native. If you want something very advanced for each system, use Native Development. Then consider choosing a database like Firebase because it supports small and large applications and provides fast storage solutions.
User interface design
The user interface (UI) is one of the most important things that attract customers.

Add account registration features
You must add the feature of registering accounts in the application in an easy way. The user can register with his Google or Apple account, or register with his mobile number. Don't forget to add a password recovery feature if the customer forgets it. The most important thing is that the data is protected and encrypted, because customers trust applications that maintain their privacy.

Basket and payment methods
The electronic basket is a place where the customer adds the products he buys. You must make it clear and easy to modify, such as adding quantities or deleting products. As for payment, it is best to add various options such as payment upon receipt or via Mada and Visa. Use popular payment gateways in Saudi Arabia such as HyperPay or STC Pay.
Delivery and tracking of orders
The delivery service is one of the most important advantages of the supermarket application. You must integrate a map such as the Google Maps API so that the customer can easily determine his location.

Offers and alerts
Saudis love offers, so you should add a special section for offers and discounts. Also, use the Notifications feature to inform customers of new offers or reassure them that their order has been delivered. Alerts keep the app always on the customer's mind and increase engagement.
Marketing and maintenance
After you program and launch the application, you must start a strong marketing campaign. Use ads on social media such as Twitter and Instagram.