Grand Best Mobile App Design Company
Grand is the best mobile app design company After global statistical studies, it was found that the number of users of smart phone applications has reached more than 5 billion people in various parts of the world, and smart applications for commercial and industrial activities, and small and large projects, are now achieving profits for their owners at double rates compared to the presence of these projects on the ground only. But with the spread of these applications in the electronic market, the challenge facing entrepreneurs is no longer only competition among the rest of the market parties, but the main challenge now facing them is finding the best programming companies, to ensure that they obtain the best and highest quality programming and design of applications for their projects. The decision to choose an application programming company is considered a crucial decision in the field of investment and marketing, because it is not considered an instantaneous or short-term transaction, but rather a commitment between the two parties for a long period of time, given the time required to implement the application programming, make the necessary designs for it, market the application, develop and maintain it. Application periodically. In order to reach the right decision in choosing the best programming company and achieve the expected profits from making this application, you must follow several tips that we will review below. Steps before choosing the best mobile application design company: There are some important steps that must precede the stage of choosing between the best application programming companies. There are some clients who are actually interested in creating a commercial application for their projects, but they are surprised that they do not know anything about exactly what they want from the application. This is why every client who wants to go to Souq. Electronic applications must create an integrated file explaining the idea of the application in detail, the services that he wishes to provide through this application, and the extent of their suitability and responsiveness to the work and project activity. The client must also have a comprehensive background on the expected results from this application, and determine what these results are, either in the form of financial profits, or results with the aim of spreading only among the largest possible number of users, and also attach to the file a forecast of the level of interaction of the application with users. The extent of its quality, and the features desired to be added to it. There is also another very important step that every client must study before embarking on any contract with any programming company, which is determining the expected application budget. This step makes it easier for the client and the programming company to determine the final cost of the application and determine the number of features that can be added to it. After the client finishes preparing this file, he can move to the next step, which is choosing the programming company. Steps to choose the best programming and application design company:
• After preparing the client’s needs file, he searches through the Google search engine or any other search engine for the best smart phone application programming companies, and checks the extent of these companies’ experience in the field of application programming, and learns about their previous work, and also learns about customer opinions about each company. And evaluate their applications, and ensure that these companies meet the agreed upon deadlines.
• After narrowing down the list of the best companies, the client compares the elements of this list to choose the strongest company among them, and we nominate to you the strongest application design company in the Arab countries, which is Grand Company for programming and designing electronic applications.
• The first stage after contracting with the company is to meet with their work team, to clarify the needs of the client company and its main objectives for the application, and to determine the type of application if it is service, marketing, health, tourism, entertainment, news and other types that cannot be limited. Choose the features you want to add to this application, and determine its basic characteristics. The target audience of the application is also determined, and also the client’s desire to make one copy of the application to work on the Android and IOS operating systems (a hybrid application), or does the client need to make a Native application, meaning that he will need to make two copies of the application, one for the Android operating system, and the other for the Android operating system? IOS. The timetable necessary to implement this application and the delivery date are also agreed upon, as well as the cost of the project in detail.
• When contracting with a mobile application design company, contracts are signed based on several conditions, the most important of which is the commitment between the two parties. They also agree on the principle of non-disclosure “NDA”, which is concerned with protecting the rights of the owner of the application idea. They also agree on the principle of technical support and its details, and determine communication options between The client and the company. We recommend for you the best application programming company in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Kuwait and other Arab countries, and it is a major leading company in the world of programming and design. iPhone application programming: The need to program iPhone applications has become urgent for owners of companies and institutions, because most smartphone users are turning more to iPhones due to the features of the IOS operating system and its continuous developments, especially in Arab countries. Therefore, designing iPhone applications guarantees the client’s access to a large segment of customers and strengthens From communication between customers and application users. Programming iPhone applications is considered very important for commercial activities in the current era, because the trend for electronic shopping has now become large compared to regular markets on the ground, in addition to the advantage of spreading the project’s brand on a larger scale. One of the most important features of iPhone application programming, which is not available in any other devices, is the very high security rate of the IOS operating system. Therefore, designing and programming any application on iPhone devices guarantees the client’s brand great success, because he will not have to worry about the application being hacked or data theft. Or even being exposed to any viruses through the application on client devices, which may cause significant loss to the client’s project. What are the standards for programming iPhone applications? There are several standards that professional programming companies follow to design

Prices of iPhone and Android application programming companies: It is difficult to determine the cost of an application, whether for an iPhone or Android phone, absolutely. Rather, the price must be determined based on all the notes, details, and characteristics that the customer specifies in his meeting with the programming company. Then the company can inform the customer of a detailed price according to the data he clearly provided during this meeting. . Certainly, Grand Company, the most powerful application design company in the Arab world, offers the best prices compared to other companies, while achieving all the required goals and expected results from the application, with distinct and innovative designs, and strong and easy-to-use programming, both for the client through the control panel in the application, Or for the user by browsing the application and all its sections. Why is Grand Company considered the best smartphone application programming company? Grand Company is considered the best application programming company, because it has extensive experience in the field of designing and programming smart phone applications on the IOS system, whether iPhone or iPad devices, and it also guarantees all customers modern, elegant and innovative designs. Grand Company has a creative and distinguished group of application programmers and designers as well, and they have a high ability to adapt the latest technological technologies and their updates to program and design applications very quickly and with high quality, while ensuring that the applications are free of any errors that may appear to users during their dealings with the application. Grand Company also guarantees you to obtain iPhone and Android applications equipped with the highest levels of protection and security factors, to protect the data of the customer who owns the application itself, as well as to protect the data of the application users. Grand Company provides all its applications with programming that can be updated and developed easily and continuously without any technical problems or errors. Grand Company's experience in the field of programming and applications: Grand Company began in the field of programming and applications since 2003 until now. During these years, it has provided hundreds of applications and websites. This is why the company has a strong imprint among its competitors, especially since it does not rely on programming and design only, but also provides assistance to customers to advance and succeed in their projects due to our experience in Field of project and business management.