Create an online store application
Creating an e-store application Designing e-stores has now become the main factor for the profit of any business. It is an important factor in helping to sell your products over the Internet, in addition to helping to display products in an ideal way, which is required to attract the attention of users to buy them. E-stores now contribute greatly to facilitating the purchasing process, as the user can know the details of the product, and can only go to the products he wants to buy, and it also allows him to choose the payment method he wants. But to reach the stage of success of your e-store, its design and programming must be assigned to a professional programming company. Through this article, you will learn about the most important criteria for designing e-stores, how much their programming costs, and which is the best company to create these applications. Stages of creating an e-store application: The process of programming and designing e-stores goes through several stages, the most important of which are:
• Stage One: Holding a meeting with the store owner: After the customer contacts the company to request the implementation of the store application, the programming company holds a meeting with the customer to get to know him more initially, understand his field of work, know the ideas that are going through his head, know the features he wants to offer to the application users and agree on the time period that the work team needs to complete the application in the best possible way, in addition to agreeing on the total cost of the project.
• Stage Two: Meeting with the work team: After completing the agreement with the customer, the programming company team of programmers, designers and management meets to develop a work plan according to the time period agreed upon with the customer, and submit a proposal for the basic idea of the project, with agreement on the basic form of the application.
• Stage Three: Store Design: At this stage, the designers develop more than one proposed design for the site's appearance, and these models are sent to the customer to choose the final form of the design, then the store programming work begins and the codes and symbols necessary to complete the application are placed.
• Fourth stage: Store programming: After agreeing on the final design form, the programming team develops the online store in the most important programming languages appropriate for the field of work, and takes into account that the store is compatible with all types and sizes of smartphone screens.
• Fifth stage: Reviewing the online store: During this stage, the application is reviewed and tested by a team of company experts, to ensure that there are no programming errors during the application's operation, to ensure its quality and suitability for the displayed products, and to ensure the extent to which the application can work on all types of devices and different screens.
• Sixth and final stage: Launching the online store on platforms: After the stages of designing and programming the online store are completed, the store is launched after the customer approves it on the platforms of well-known application stores, and marketing through various successful advertising methods that are only adopted by companies experienced in the field of application programming and design, such as Grand Company - the best company for programming and designing online store applications in Egypt and Arab countries - to ensure the success of the application and its access to the largest possible number of users. What are the features that can be added when programming online stores? There are many features that can be taken into account when creating a commercial application to improve its level, and these features are:
• Create a professional and attractive store design that must be compatible with all types of smart devices and mobile phones
• Publish advertisements for the application in multiple places and other sites to increase the number of visits to the store and raise its level of profits.
• Use a direct chat system with users, and this feature is considered one of the most powerful features that can be added, because it works to strengthen communication with customers and can help them choose the appropriate products for them and guide them to the sections they need.
• Use distinctive display methods within the store, and this feature may be overlooked by many, but it is one of the features that work to increase the success rate of the online store, because the distinction and difference in the way products are displayed attracts the user's attention and increases his desire to browse the rest of the store's sections without boredom.
• Use advanced search technology to facilitate access to products within the online store, which is also a feature that makes it easier for the user to access what he is looking for in addition to displaying other products that he may want to buy when he sees them.
• One of the different features that most regular online stores may not use is the product comparison system feature, and this feature is only found in professional online stores, and if anything, this indicates a strong company in the field of programming and designing applications and online stores, such as Grand Company - the leading company in the field of programming and designing online stores professionally.
• Using a membership system for the buyer, with adding the products he wants to his favorites list, in case he wants to buy them later.
• Setting up a system to evaluate products and the store, makes it easy for the store owner to know the opinion of his customers about his products and the way they are displayed, and to benefit from their opinions while developing the application.
• Activating the notifications feature, to alert users to any new promotional offers on the store application, or to inform them of new products that have been added to the store, and others. This feature is one of the factors for the success of any online store, because it attracts users to browse the application continuously to learn about the new offers and services provided by the store.
• Using a product return and exchange system, in case the user does not like them or finds them unsuitable for him after purchasing them, and this feature increases the strength of the trust bond between the user and the store.
• Diversity of payment methods is one of the features that all users look for in any online store, such as payment by credit card, payment via PayPal, or payment in cash upon receipt, etc. All of these...

The best e-store design companies: There are many e-store programming and design companies, due to the expansion of the scope of using applications in general in human life, but because creating an e-store for any commercial project is an important and essential step to increase its profits, the process of choosing the company that will implement this store is not a simple matter. However, it must be taken into consideration that the application is professionally designed and programmed so that it can fiercely compete with other stores that already exist in the market. For this reason, we recommend Grand Company - the strongest and best company in the field of programming and designing e-store applications in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many other Arab countries - due to its keenness to provide the highest level of accuracy and professionalism for any e-store application or any other application provided through it, and because it provides its customers with many exclusive, unprecedented ideas for features and characteristics that can be added to the store, and display elegant and unique designs and works to develop them continuously and update the applications provided through it with the latest technologies in the world of programming. Grand Company for Programming and Designing Electronic Applications has more than eighteen years of experience, so you can order your application now from Grand Company without being confused and be sure that you will get an unconventional application that will take you to the highest levels of success in the field of e-commerce. One of the advantages of Grand Company is its commitment to the specified timetable with the client, which has strengthened the bonds of trust between the company and its clients. All this in addition to providing consultations with an open heart to all clients in the field of project management, because Grand Company's experience is not limited to designing and programming applications, but it also has strong experience in the field of project management, information technology and business management, to ensure that you achieve your goals completely and your project succeeds 100%